Friday, February 27, 2015

Let's Sculpt!

My second grade students and Mr. Angelo's class have been learning about warm and cool colors and how they are used in art.

Using only warm  or cool colors, students were asked to create a small scale paper sculpture. We discussed and experimented with different ways to bend, fold and cut paper and how to use these forms to create an interesting sculpture. We talked a lot about how sculptures are meant to be viewed from all angles and students were encouraged to continue to turn their pieces as they worked and to look from above, below, far away and close up.

As students worked they took breaks to circulate the room and look at their classmates' artwork. We also studied the metal sculptures created by local artist, Albert Paley.

Albert Paley, Cross Currents

We discussed how Paley plans his work in paper and students were excited to see how similar their small scale paper sculptures looked to the large scale artwork of a successful artist!

I can't stop talking about how much I LOVE these pieces! Check out the use of shape, form and composition and how unique and interesting each of these sculptures turned out!

These students really took my idea for a project and ran with it, making it evolve into their own creation! I heard talk of how these sculptures looked like roads, playgrounds and obstacle courses, and students even added things like vehicles and figures and discussed plans to use their pieces with toys they had at home. Taking art outside of the art room and making it your own? I couldn't be happier!

This project also began the option of free sculpting, having students use extra time they may have at the end of a project to create their own independent sculpture. While many of us enjoy drawing from imagination, consider sculpting as a means of artistic expression in your free time!

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