Saturday, February 14, 2015

Is This a Dream?

Earlier this year my fifth grade classes studied realism and surrealism and saw how artists can use different styles to convey meaning in their work. We discussed how surrealism distorts reality and how wild and interesting surrealistic artwork can be!

Students were then asked to select a dream or memory to translate realistically or surrealistically through collage. They spent an entire class brainstorming and writing down or sketching all the details that they remembered about their dream or memory. At this point there were a lot of wild ideas circulating around the room! We then took a look at some collage art and discussed different methods that artists use to create imagery through collage. Using magazines, students began selecting images to use in their pieces and began laying out their collages. Students were able to select the scale of their pieces and also had the option to focus on creating either a realistic or surrealistic collage or both.

Check out this student's realistic...

...and surrealistic...

...collage depicting the same memory!

I am SO impressed by the creativity in these pieces and the imagery that students created is really interesting and inspiring!

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