Monday, November 24, 2014

Thank YOU!

This week all of my classes created Cards of Thanks to give to someone that they are thankful for.

We started out looking at some beautiful fall landscape images for inspiration. Students then drew trees using colored pencil and used their fingers to print leaves in fall colors onto their trees. Many students added some special touches and the air was filled with talk about who these special cards would be delivered to!

This was a fun quick project for a short week but an important one in helping students to realize the power of using their own art outside the art room and to communicate with others!

And finally, one more card for YOU!

Thank you to all my students for putting your best effort into your art and for coming to class ready to learn and full of inspiration. Thank you for inspiring me and being open to new experiences.

Thank you to my students' families for supporting your child and the arts and for giving me such a talented group of artists to create with.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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